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How Often Should Teeth Be X-Rayed?

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Many people require regular X-rays to keep track of their oral health. How often should X-rays be done? The answer depends on your medical and dental history and the current condition of your mouth. Some people may need X-rays as often as every six months. People who visit the dentist regularly and have excellent oral health may need X-rays only every three years or so.

Who needs more frequent or regular X-rays?

  • Children and teenagers — Children and teens who have a history of many cavities may need X-rays every six months or every year, depending on age. So may those who have a high risk of decay for other reasons. X-rays also help to keep track of tooth development.
  • Adults with many fillings, crowns, bridges or other restorations — X-rays help the dentist find decay beneath your fillings and crowns or in new places.
  • People with periodontal (gum) disease — X-rays can reveal signs of bone loss. If this has happened, then you may need periodontal (gum) surgery.
  • People with dry mouth, also called xerostomia —Saliva helps keep your mouth and teeth healthy by regulating the acid levels (pH) in the mouth. In a dry mouth, the pH decreases. This causes the minerals in the teeth to break down, resulting in more cavities. Many medicines can cause dry mouth. It also can be a result of cancer treatment or a long-term disease.
  • Smokers — Smoking increases the risk of bone loss around the teeth and periodontal disease.
  • Users of chewing tobacco — Chewing tobacco is sweetened with sugars and can lead to more cavities.
  • X-Ray Safety


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This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.